Our Approach
LANGO’s highest decision making body is the Annual General Assembly (AGM) in which each member organization is represented with 3 to 5 persons. The organization is governed by elected Board of 10 members led by the Chairperson supported by Vice Chairperson. The day to day programs/activities are managed by the Executive Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Prorgam Officer(s) at the current. However the organization is on the process to review it Constitution where by the highest decision making body will be Annual General Meeting (AGM) .Also there will be Board of Directors of which will comprise 8 members thus; five (5) members each representing one district network, two (2) nominated women expertise and the Executive Director who will be the Secretary of the Board. The day to day programs will be undertaken with Secretariet and managed with Executive Director supported with other technical staffs such as; Managers, Coordinators, Program Officers etc
LANGO had been supported with The Foundation for Civil Society (FCS), LANGO had undertaken various interventions on Tracking of Public Expenditures (PETS) for Road Fund in 6 LGAs of Lindi region and Enhancing Citizens Engagement with their Political representatives (MPs and Councilors) and Duty Bearers to discuss on Development concerns in 5 Constituencies of Liwale, Nachingwea, Ruangwa, Kilwa North and Kilwa South since 2011 to 2013. Again with funding from Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) – Tanzania and Oxfam Gender Justice – Tanzania office had implemented the Constitutional Review Process and the 2015 Election Projects farmously known as “Fahamu, Ongea, Sikilizwa” (FOS I & II). These projects were implemented in Ruangwa and Nachingwea with funding of VSO and Kilwa, Lindi, Liwale and Ruangwa with funding from Oxfam – Tanzania
Also with supporting with Oxfam Tanzania and Open Society Initiative for eastern Tanzania, LANGO has managed to work in extractive industries, to promote accountability, transparency of duty beares, policy makers/ political leaders, community members together with extractive companies in proper management of the sector and service levy revenues management revenues for Oil & Gas sector in Lindi and Kilwa district. Also to promote citizens engagemnts in planning and decision making related to Oil & Gas sectors at their localities in Lindi Region. Through Funding with Oxfam, LANGO has also managed to engage with Mbanja and Mchinga wards community members to promote gender equality and econimoc empowerments to women and youth groups.